Stop tolerating things you don't want to tolerate
3 powerful mindset shifts that will make your 2025 amazing
About a week ago, I realized that for this entire year, I’ve been asking the wrong question.
Let’s start at the beginning.
This year was my first back after a multi-year hiatus to focus on my health and home.
It was a year of exploration, questioning, finding my voice.
It was an awkward year, much like I imagine a bear feels as he awakens each spring after months of hibernation — stiff, inflexible, unsure how to use his limbs.
That was my 2024. I entered with high hopes that were quickly tempered by personal loss (saying good-bye to my beloved dog, Jake) and confusion (feeling unsure what I wanted to create in this new chapter of life).
Isn’t that the way of the human though? Wanting to jump back in, expecting instant success, ignoring the groundwork that must come first.
I felt frustrated at times, and in that frustration compared myself to an idealized version of myself — who I used to be, thought I should be, and thought I needed to be.
“What should I do?”
“How should I do it?”
These questions didn’t feel good, and I resisted answering them.
Then one day earlier this week, I realized why these questions weren’t yielding insight.
Instead, I started asking:
“What do I want to do?”
“How do I want to do it?”
So often we don’t trust ourselves.
We don’t trust our desires, our visions, our intuitive nudges to create the lives we want.
Instead we give our power away to formulas, secret tricks, supposed authority figures or other random people we put on a pedestal because we only see their highlight reel.
The truth is, we all have a unique vision inside of our hearts, a destiny or a calling each one of us is meant to fulfill.
Your heart contains instructions for how to find that calling and fulfill it in the unique way you’re meant to.
The real work of realizing your purpose is the inner work — the work of self-belief and trust, knowing your value and worth, and arranging your life in such a way that it reflects your highest potential, soul needs and desires.
In today’s blog, I’ll share 3 powerful mindset shifts I made through my own inner work this year that will make your 2025 amazing.
Inner work is my unique genius, and how I help my clients. My purpose is to guide and support others as they do their great work, to support them in identifying their special gift and soul’s calling.
My soul’s gift is the ability to tap into energy and give words to express what people have trouble articulating, and in giving form to formless, you then have the ability to transcend it.
Otherwise you feel held back by something you can’t explain, blocked from being the woman whose success inspires others to dream bigger, the woman who shines brightly and gives her gifts confidently, while receiving the recognition and financial abundance that comes when you truly value your worth.
People sometimes misunderstand what coaching is about. It’s not me telling you what to do, but a sacred space to deeply listen to your inner voice, to ponder powerful questions you haven’t asked yourself, to bridge the gap between who you are and who you know you can be.
I saw one coach say her first few calls are essentially throwing spaghetti at a wall to see what sticks, and I absolutely cringed, all while fully understanding MY unique gifts even more deeply, in that moment.
People’s lives frequently change within one conversation with me.
Like my client Cole said earlier this year: “It’s been one month since we first spoke, and I am stepping into spaces I am meant to be…Suzanne helped me feel at peace with and accept parts of my story that I’ve carried immense shame around for many years. I’m honestly surprising myself with how far I’ve come in a month’s time.”
Cole is now pursuing his vocation as a community builder, and following his unique path to creating extraordinary success and impact.
That was after ONE conversation.
Imagine how much your life will change when you clarify your unique genius, build your self-worth to truly understand how valuable those gifts are, and then devote yourself to monetizing those gifts in a way that makes everyone look up to you as the iconic force of nature you are.
I have a limited number of 1:1 spaces available to start in January. Reply to this email or message me to talk about what you envision for yourself in 2025 if you’re devoted to expansion!
Here are 3 of my most powerful mindset shifts this year:
Failure doesn’t actually exist because achieving your goals is a process of experimentation.
I used to be absolutely gutted when a blog, course launch or even social media post performed poorly. I needed external validation to prove I was on the right path, to show what I had to say was worthy, meaningful or even correct.
I viewed my self-expression as something I could get ‘right’ or ‘wrong.’
If I got it ‘right,’ I’d be rewarded in views, comments, shares and compliments. If I got it ‘wrong,’ I’d be punished by the absence of those things.
This made me feel anxious, uncertain and ultimately disconnected from my true message because my self-expression was more about getting it ‘right,’ rather than saying what I felt called to say.
There’s a whole other debate between art and business I could write an entire post on, but the main conclusion for those of us who monetize our creative self-expression is this:
Achieving your goals is a process of experimentation. So-called failure is only feedback. It’s a sign that something needs to shift.
You might need to learn new skills, work on your mindset, tap into different parts of you, or simply keep going. Knowing the difference requires tuning into your intuition.
Keep in mind you need a high level of self-awareness to correctly read your intuition because you might be responding to an inner voice that feels true, but is actually the voice of doubt or fear.
People often back down from big changes because “it doesn’t feel authentic,” when the reality is, it IS authentic. They’re either scared or allowing outdated self-perceptions to limit their growth.You need to be willing to push boundaries and make the wrong move sometimes because it’s only through getting it ‘wrong,’ that you figure out how to get it ‘right.’
Perfectionism doesn’t result in better work, just more hours spent working.
It’s wild that a year ago I obsessed over my content so much that one blog used to take me literally all week.Now, after releasing perfectionism and realizing having a strategy doesn’t make me less spiritual, I get so much done in so little time. It’s liberating!
Shifting this relationship had a lot to do with being okay with failure. Once I realized that I could handle feeling disappointed, I stopped putting so much pressure on everything I created.
It also required implementing clear processes and systems in my workflow that honor how long it really takes to develop good ideas and edit them to a high standard.Perfectionism isn’t really about desiring excellence. It’s about wanting to avoid the pain of criticism or failure.
The annoying situations in our lives exist because we tolerate them. Stop tolerating things you don’t want to tolerate.
I talk a lot about acceptance. But acceptance has to be balanced with high standards, boundaries and a willingness to say “I’m done, I’m not living like this anymore.”
Sometimes we feel powerless to change things, and because we feel that way, it becomes our reality.
We stay stuck in situations that make us unhappy, acquiesce our will and desires, let life steamroll over us in the name of being peaceful.
In reality, you’re scared to ruffle feathers, nervous to make bold moves, and reluctant to hold yourself to a higher standard.
As I asked a client recently, “what are you tolerating because you blame yourself for the way things are?”
None of us are perfect. We all experience situations that other versions of ourselves created. Rising above those situations requires us to dig deep and find the version of ourselves with more discipline, courage and resourcefulness.
When we take 100% responsibility for our lives, identify where we’re not holding ourselves to a higher standard, and where we’re letting fear stop us from taking the necessary moves to get what we want, we become the best versions of ourselves — someone whom we can look at in the mirror and feel proud of.It’s amazing to love yourself when you feel down. But what about respecting yourself enough to create what you really want and deserve?
If you want a life of abundance, success and significance, stop being content with crumbs.
If you want more money, creative self-expression, and success, claim that. Don’t feel bad for wanting what you want —
Your desires were placed in your heart for a reason. The journey of creating them in the material world is the journey of becoming the most confident, secure in her self-worth and unapologetically self-expressed version of you.
It starts with you — your sense of who you are, what you deserve, how you talk to yourself and measure your worth.
If you want different results, make different choices.
God wants you to be happy, healthy, rich and hot. That’s your natural state when you exist as the fullest expression of yourself.
Let 2025 be the year that you find the mega-watt lightbulb inside your soul and turn it on to magnetize others with your brilliance.
Guided inner work to make 2025 the most pivotal year of your life
Last year, I was focused on meaning. I was a little downtrodden, had lost my inner fire.
Meaning obviously still matters. We need to pursue goals that matter and live in ways that align with our core values.
But there comes a moment in every girl’s life when she realizes the most meaningful thing she can do is stop making excuses for why things are the way they are and go all in to create the life she really wants.
Today’s guided inner work will help you do just that.