Every thing ringed a bell. Especially mindset #4 your body keeps score. I suffered from major depression and a longer Covid than others in my family and friends. I realized the major thing that differs me from them are I always give and give, never have time for self care, even to enjoy simple pleasures. That was when I decided to prioritize myself before others.

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Oh no, I’m sorry to hear that! Hope you’re better now. A lot of people have really struggled with long Covid! You’re definitely not alone in that. I had to learn the hard way too! Thanks for sharing your reflections. I’m so glad the post resonated with you ♥️

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Yeah I’m good now. ❤️

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A gem! Saved 🌹

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So glad you enjoyed it! ♥️ curious what resonated?

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Thanks for sharing these wonderful ideas. That’s so kind of you!

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This is great! There are a few things here that really struck me and made me think. Managing my energy instead of my time is something I’ve just started hearing about, but realized I’ve been doing to some extent. For example I usually have very little energy at the end of the day so I don’t like to clean the house after dinner (meaning dishes usually sit in the sink overnight, which my husband hates, but won’t do anything about except be frustrated with me) In the mornings I have much more energy so I do the dishes and some cleaning in the mornings.

The other thing that really hit me was the “dedication to duty” without losing yourself. This is also something I’ve noticed in myself and started working on. The most noticeable place I’ve been doing that is at work. I am a work from home Customer service representative basically. Where at the start of my job I would be very concerned with how busy we were and do things like skip breaks and stay late to help. I realized that was a quick way to burnout. I started not internalizing the companies problems (high volume) and started prioritizing myself by taking all my breaks and only working over if I felt I had the energy to and no other commitments. I’ve found that I still perform much higher than most and feel much better about myself. It is amazing what a mindset shift can do.

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Oooh this is so good. I love how you let the dishes sit overnight. No use exhausting yourself for something that feels better to do in the morning! Also love hearing about the boundaries you created at work. It's absolutely not your problem. They can hire more people if they need to! It's interesting how often we take on other people's problems as our own, and so freeing when we draw that line and value ourselves instead of trying to derive our worth from pleasing others, even when it drains us of our vitality and happiness. Mindset shifts are indeed very powerful. Thanks so much for sharing!

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Yes, if I need something to reach, I have to make time and give much more time, in return, I have to expel some unnecessary stuff.

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yes, absolutely! I'm so glad it resonated with you :)

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Oh there's so much in here I don't know where to start, it's all true and each point is so important. But my favourite is the one where you say that exercise and mindfulness and all those things don't take time, they create time. It took me a long time to realise that and I still sometimes forget but its very true. When I start my day with my exercise in the morning I'm so much better the entire day!

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Thank you so much for reading and sharing this beautiful reflection, Sophie! Exercising in the morning sounds like an amazing way to start the day. Personally, my body does better with afternoon exercise. It does help me shake off the day, but morning exercise seems so much more poetic! ❤️ Maybe one day :)

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