"What if I removed the middle man and just let myself be happy anyway?" I had to do this while constantly waiting to find my husband. I've done things that make me happy as a single person. I no longer wait to use the expensive face cream or wear the nice clothes. I do what makes me happy now.

This is a beautiful post on finding peace wherever you are.

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i love this so much! yes to the face cream and beautiful clothes! (I'm such a sucker for pretty clothes :) ) love this perspective! ❤️

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Jul 5Liked by Suzanne Heyn

I am SO glad you have come back!! I remember years ago, when I came across your blog and offers, I felt as though you were reading my heart and soul and putting into words what I was feeling. And you are still doing that!!! I did miss your beautiful wisdom and authenticity. I resonate with so much of what you write about...as though we are walking parallel lives to some degree.

I have struggled with where I live for a long while now and not sure when the move (I dream of the ocean, too!) will actually take place. My husband has an amazing job and my daughter just recently graduated college. Both of these things have kept me where I am and in a cycle of waiting. So to hear your perspective on how to view my "situation" differently really helps. I always remind myself that dreams make life fun and give us something to create for!! Thanks for being YOU!! 💖

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Hi Bethany, oh my gosh, these words warm my heart so much! Thank you!! Are you the same Bethany from Unleash Your Magic? I'm so glad to hear that after all these years, you still feel connected. It's amazing how the Internet can lead to such beautiful connections. Forever grateful!

Sorry to hear you are also struggling with where you live! I feel you - we are here because of my husband's job, too. That's awesome your daughter just graduated. Congratulations to her! Does her being out of school make it easier for you guys to possibly move? Sending you lots of love and magic as you follow your dreams. That's what it's all about! <3

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Jul 6Liked by Suzanne Heyn

Yes, I was in Unleash Your Magic! We had a beautiful phone chat at least once that I remember. My path since has veered off many different directions, but I have continued to create art (which was one of the topics during our chat). And continued to grow my inner garden. And attempted to build some sort of business out of my art that has yet to become much. 🤪

Your recent writing titled, "What causes feeling blocked" really resonated with me on so many levels!! I keep wavering back and forth between feeling content in simply creating for my own self-expression and just inspiring others by sharing my artwork on social media (which in and of itself has challenges!) or creating art in a way that could turn into an income stream. I know what it really comes down to is creating simply because I love it.

And to answer your question...my daughter being out of college somewhat makes it easier for us to move. In part, it depends on where she decides to live. But, my husband does have a great job that supports us very well, so it is hard for him to want to throw everything to chance and move. So, I dream!!! 💖

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Yes!!! I loved our chat! I’m so glad to hear you’re still creating art and cultivating your inner garden. It’s awesome to hear you liked the post about feeling blocked, and the exploration about art vs business. Nobody responded to it, making me feel unsure, so I’m very happy to hear that it resonated! I definitely think there is a way to find a balance, but I’m not an artist artist, so the calculation is probably different for me. I love that you’re exploring those ideas and finding your way! And I can definitely relate to the husband and job situation. For sure makes it hard to pick up and leave! I’m so glad you commented. Lovely to reconnect. Wishing you a wonderful week! ❤️

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This is so moving. I really resonate with this. Waiting can be torture if we dont make peace that perfection will never happen. I love this. I am enjoying your writing so much. Keep going 💪🏻💪🏻

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Thank you Bonnie! I'm so glad you resonated with the blog, and am thrilled to hear you're enjoying reading. I love your blog too! Have a great weekend :)

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Jul 5Liked by Suzanne Heyn

I like this post so much. Glad you went here and not YouTube. What’s really interesting is that I think a lot of us are nodding in agreement while reading. I’m going through a series of these very things right now. The “me” of maybe 7-8 years ago would have waited maybe even a bit passively. Now it’s much more of an active waiting, emphasis on active, if that makes sense. More like a confident, spiritually-guided active that doesn’t feel forced. I think it’s similar to what you describe. Thanks for putting it eloquently!

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Hi Mike, so glad to hear you like the post! Yes Substack is so, so fun. Very grateful for this place, and to connect with so many interesting people and wonderful writers, including you! I totally get what you are saying about active waiting. That makes so much sense, like you know you're in an in-between and instead of doing nothing, you're moving in a spiritually guided way? That's what I took it to mean anyway. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Always appreciated! <3

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The following really resonated with me:

“This is the crux of regret — comparing an ideal vision with our imperfect reality. But real-life alternates are never perfect. We always have problems.”

I too thought that a move to the “perfect” place would make my life better, fuller, but that the place was not the solution to my problem. That lies within me and I am working on accepting life as it comes now.

Thanks for a good, insightful read.

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So glad it resonated! Where did you move to?

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Southern California, from Pittsburgh

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Beautifully written! I have only recently discovered all these things and it has made such a difference in my energy and sense of well-being. Thank you for sharing!

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that's awesome! what practices are you doing?

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It all started with finding the right therapist (one who specializes in HSP Introverts), which led to art therapy, nightly journalling, daily meditation, reading lots (art and reading were my favourite activities when I was a kid, and I had lost touch with both over the years, and finally realized both are essential for my emotional health). I am retired so that helped get rid of a lot of stress and has allowed me to fill that time with activities that keep me balanced. It’s a process and one I keep reconfiguring but I feel excited to do what feels right, which sometimes means watching a good movie in the middle of the day!

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That's awesome! Love hearing about the different practices people find useful and fun. Glad you reconnected with art and reading! So easy to forget about the things we used to love the most. And yes to watching a good movie in the middle of the day! I need to do more of that :)

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Thank-you for the reminder to give myself more grace and not wait for x,y,z before life will be OK. To make small shifts in the life I have, lean more into the magic of the universe and gratitude for exactly where I am.

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Thank you for these reflections, Lindsey! Your simple yet eloquent comment inspired me today. ♥️

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This was just what I needed today, Suzanne. I've been in a period of waiting for some time now, and while it's uncomfortable, I'm grateful everyday for the blessings that are in front of me in the present moment. Thank you for these reminders.

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Hi Kaitlyn, I'm so thrilled the blog resonated with you! Waiting can indeed be uncomfortable, but it's awesome to hear that you're focusing on the blessings in front of you. Thank you for reading and commenting! Grateful for you! ❤️

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> You have a peaceful and beautiful life with as much time and space as you need to heal, and that is something to be incredibly grateful for.

I am on a healing journey at the moment, and sometimes it’s really difficult to find the energy, time, or focus for other things in life, like the business I want to create. But then I remind myself that healing itself is a profound process. The ability to heal, learn, and grow is already something to be immensely grateful for. Thank you for writing this beautiful piece!

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Ah Victoria, I can relate to that frustration so, so deeply, more deeply than I wish I could. I have found that the healing process has given me tools to help me work towards what I want in a much more sane, balanced, sustainable way. The truth is, my cravings for something else made me ill. And peace with what is has healed me. I'm so happy for you that you're on a healing journey, and as difficult as it can be, I'm wishing you so much health and happiness during this time, and as you reemerge to work towards your larger dreams. The ability to heal, learn and grow is indeed amazing! ❤️

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I needed your article. It is the perfect timing for me to read it. I've spent a lot of time in my life waiting for various things to happen and it was so stressful and many times disappointing. Right now I'm waiting to retire. I've been worried and fretting over what will I do and where will I go, etc. Your article helps me see that I need to let those worries go and start living now, where I am, one day at a time. And continue to lean on God and talk to him about it. I know it will all turn out okay. Thank you so much for the advice and encouragement. I hope you are feeling better every day. Blessings to you. 🩷🌼

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Hi Jennie, that is amazing that you are almost retired! With such a big life transition, I would feel the same way. Isn’t it so peaceful knowing we can talk to God and get advice? Too often I forget to simply ask, but I’m trying to get better at cultivating that relationship so he is the first place I turn. I am feeling better every day, thank you so much! Wishing you a wonderful week, and many blessings in your retirement, and now, too! :)

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Jul 6Liked by Suzanne Heyn

Thank you for your great writing! You've inspired me to notice the blessings of life. It's not easy to be grateful when we're in a season of waiting. But right now, in this moment, there are things to appreciate. I'm going to meditate on that tonight :)

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Love hearing that! Seasons of waiting definitely aren’t easy, but yes always something to appreciate :) Thank you for the kind words! Sending you lots of well wishes ❤️

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I love this piece, Suzanne. I haven't been in waiting mode for a long time, but still, this piece has so many valuable takeaways for me, too. I especially appreciate how you connect with Source.

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Thank you! Glad the spiritual aspect resonated with you. Everything always seems to make so much sense after connecting to what’s larger. ♥️

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So much to love about this article Suzanne. Really needed to hear this today ❤️

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Thank you Marisa! I appreciate the kind words and am so glad the blog connected with you today. Sending lots of love! <3

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I needed to read this today. I’m 54 about to be 55 and I’ve spent way too many years waiting.

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I love this blog so much. I feel the "Released my need to control outcomes" is what I can still work on the most. It has so many beautiful lessons woven into your incredible, touching, and relatable journey. You are a huge inspiration!

I feel many things started falling into place once I had totally surrendered to the fact that they would not happen or by simply focusing on the very first step into a certain direction I took. Like with a research project, I tried way too hard to get it, then bad family stuff happened, and I shifted my focus, and then an amazing opportunity came up out of nowhere (AND I was able to take it). Also, I kept stuck in a waiting loop for an actual research job by working as a waitress. The day I finally decided I would quit (not had quit), I got two opportunities, followed by a PhD fellowship starting in October. ✨

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