How to overcome the invisible force blocking your desires
The way to realize the dream in your heart is to...
🌹 Quick note before we start! I’m working on a free 6-day email course called Activate Your Creative Genius.
It will connect you to your unique and special gifts, the vision you’re meant to create in this life, and your soul-aligned path to create it.
It will be ready soon, and I’ll announce here when it is! 🌹
While making New Year’s resolutions, setting goals and intentions or however you prefer to align with your next life chapter, make sure your inner world expands to match your vision.
Too often creative, soulful women dream big in their journals or vision boards, and match those goals with action, but find themselves discouraged by thoughts like:
🌹 What if I give my all and it’s still not enough?
🌹 What if I fail and look stupid?
🌹 Why does this feel so much harder for me than it looks for others?
The courageous thing to do is ignore those fears and plunge ahead, but that doesn’t fully solve the problem.
Because like a sling shot, an invisible force seems determined to hold you back despite each step forward.
You’re not making the progress you want. You tell yourself to be patient, but let’s be real — deep down you’re not where you want to be.
The frustrating thing for me, is that I can see people’s potential so clearly and where they’re holding themselves back, but obviously I can only help people when they’re willing to be helped.
I’m a genius at reading energy. It’s why I’m a spiritual guide / life coach. I cringed at this job title for a while, but my truest gift in life is guiding people to realize their purpose, so I’ve worked through my own limiting beliefs to embrace it.
What’s most heartbreaking is when I see people:
🌹 ‘Be patient,’ when they need to be bold.
🌹 Skate on the surface of what they’re here to do and create
🌹 Downgrade their vision to fit the scope of what they think is realistic.
🌹 Comfort themselves that ‘clarity takes time,’ while they allow themselves to stay stuck because they’re unwilling to demand more of themselves
As a result, you take action not from a place of alignment to your wildest, grandest dreams that you know in your heart are yours to make real…
But from a place of doubting your ability, wondering if you’re doing it right, and searching outside of yourself for the magical answers that will create the abundance, recognition and success you know you deserve.
If you want to monetize your soul’s creative vision in 2025, focus on inner work first. It’s the work that makes everything else work.
🪩 You deserve to create the life you want.
🪩 You’re capable of creating the life you want.
🪩 Your dreams and goals are not only possible, they were placed in your heart for a reason.
The way to realize the dream in your heart is to align your entire life to the person you are meant to become.
I’m speaking from very recent, raw personal experience because…
In November, I invested in the most strategy-based program I’ve ever taken to get my groove back after a tough year of finding my voice post-burnout.
The program’s actually been really helpful, just not in the way I imagined.
In the middle of this strategy-based program, I realized my actual problem —
My inner fire went out.
This makes sense, considering I literally burned out.
But on an energetic level, I carried unprocessed fear from boldly speaking my mind online in a way that made some people very angry.
(Yes, this was years ago! But until we deal with the emotions, the events continue to play out in our nervous system until we release that energy. This is true whether the event was one year ago or 10!)
I’ve been hiding on Substack, afraid to be seen. (I love it here, but am also called to be present on Instagram and Youtube.)
Disconnected from my true message, afraid of making people angry.
And while I’ve done an incredible amount of inner work, transformed what feels like a lifetime of emotional pain, and rewritten my mindset enough to have created a successful business —
Rekindling my fire meant reconnecting to the heart of my creativity that some parts of me feel deeply threatened by.
In a lot of ways, I turned to strategy in hopes of avoiding the things I feared.
I thought if I could figure out a safe, simple game plan and become a good little life coach, then I could skip the uncertainty of following my intuition and messiness of baring my heart and soul.
Because when you’re truly purpose-led, unaligned strategies make your soul shrivel and die. You realize you can’t fit into a box even if you wanted to.
This is a little sad, yet freeing.
You ditch the map woefully, realizing you’re in the wilderness with no one to guide you before realizing…
It’s not that strategies are bad —
It’s that you need the right strategy for you.
The one you’re guided to when your beliefs and emotions align with your vision.
Not what a guru said or you think you need to do, but what your soul actually guides you toward.
A layer deeper, strategy only works when supported by an aligned energy and mindset.
The most important thing of all is how you THINK and what you FEEL about yourself, your abilities, and your possibilities.
When you change your energy, everything changes. Quite literally.
For example, since I’ve refocused on energy and mindset work, five subscribers upgraded to join the Journaling Club! (Welcome, and thank you!)
In full transparency, the Club has not been a very popular offering, and 21 beautiful, amazing members currently belong, each of whom I love and am very grateful to support. (You should join because if you show up and do the prompts every week you will literally create your dream life!)
That means nearly 24% of the current membership joined after shifting my energy. I didn’t change a single practical thing I was doing.
Yet as time goes on, the ways I shift energetically create more:
🌹 Power and conviction when I write and speak
🌹 Ability to activate and inspire you to pursue your goals more boldly
🌹 Expansion in Journaling Club members and with my clients because the more powerfully I lead myself, the more powerfully I lead others
This of course will create even more results.
Most people think power, conviction and confidence come from success, but it’s actually the other way around.
No strategy will fix a limited mindset, unprocessed fears and unaligned ways of living.
If you’re living out of alignment, your actions will be out of alignment.
For a writing example, the blog I choose to write from an energy of feeling not good enough would be very different than the blog I write from a place of aliveness and expansion.
The subject would probably be different, but even with the same subject, the words and vibe would be totally different.
Think about how actions fueled by a sense of not-enoughness versus a sense of confident expectation compound over time.
Deeper, you were born with both a purpose and a specific pathway to realize that purpose.
When you walk the path that’s not meant for you, it leads to a place you’re not meant to go.
That’s why a strategy that works for one person won’t for another.
Or two people can say the exact same things, and one goes viral while the other hears crickets.
God literally protects you from the wrong destiny. The best thing to do in these moments is listen rather than push.
Because there’s another truth —
The ideas that bubble up from within to express while I am living my best life are the ideas that outperform any strategy.
The blog I wrote three weeks ago that went viral and attracted 171 new subscribers was inspired by a conversation with my husband on our walk.
I wrote it in 10 minutes and almost didn’t press publish because it felt too easy and I still feel like I need to suffer for my work to be meaningful.
The idea for today’s blog?
It didn’t come from sitting at my desk, following a strategy or content plan.
It came from living my life. It came from being absorbed in my own journey of aligning to my next chapter, the next version of me.
It came from living a life aligned with my soul.
If you want to monetize your soul’s creative vision, you must align your entire life with your soul.
The way you care for your health, the food you eat, your relationships, the media you consume, the music you listen to, the clothes you wear —
It all matters because it’s all energy and every action either expands or contracts you.
Connects you to your intuition or closes it off.
That’s why the first session in my 1:1 coaching program Creative Genius is Alignment.
Monetizing your soul’s creative vision isn’t about finding the best strategy.
It’s about knowing what you’re uniquely alive to do, digging deep within to bring your innermost magic to the surface, and understanding with every fiber of your being how important, worthy and valuable that work is.
Success requires following your intuitive guidance, and doing the inner work to build certainty, confidence and conviction.
In today’s Journaling Club guided inner work, I’m leading you through the same powerful energetic alignment process that I once used to book out my 1:1 coaching practice and have an $18k month!
And if you’re ready to accelerate your journey to monetize your soul’s creative vision, email or DM me to ask about Creative Genius, my 1:1 coaching program! Limited spaces are available. It’s 2025. There’s no more time to wait.
All the love,