Hi Suzanne 🤗 Thank you for writing this, I enjoyed reading about your experience and thoughts — it resonates. Forcing things will only slow you down or get in your way somehow, huh? It’s something that’s been dawning on me too, and a lesson I continue to learn, because as you say lessons are cyclical (love that way of putting it).

And you’re so right, it’s about what kind of relationship with life you create. And that’s how I need to treat it really, like a relationship. How do I want to act and who do I want to be in this relationship? Just like you might not want to shout at a partner or control them, similarly I don’t want to shout at and (attempt to) control life. And just like with any relationship, that takes a kind of awareness and willingness. Love looking at it like this, thank you! 🧡

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Love that! Thinking about not shouting at or attempting to control life. That makes it seem more like a partnership. I always feel like life / God is a big, rather impersonal force guiding me, but when you put it like that, it amplifies our individual responsibility to cultivate that relationship, based on how we show up. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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It's so funny to see how some of have such similar experiences and we learn similar lessons from them. A lovely post, Suzanne!

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Indeed! It’s amazing how so many different people’s experiences & lessons align. I’m so glad the blog resonated with you. Thanks for reading! ♥️

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This resonates alot with where I'm at in my own journey right now. So many good reminders and tools for how to let go of fear and control and to lean more into trust and surrender. My whole being recently is telling me to push and produce and do because that's the only way to get anything in life. The only way the 'how' will happen. But it's not a fun ride!

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Definitely not fun! Burned me out. Learning how to quiet that voice is, for me, a slow process but I’m happy to be working on it because for a long time I listened to that voice without questioning it, and… it did not lead to a good place. I’m so glad the blog resonated! Thanks for sharing your experience! ♥️

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Jul 13Liked by Suzanne Heyn

Damn... so much goodness here. I feel like I need to re-read several times to soak up all of the insights. ✨️💕 I sometimes get myself in a tizzy thinking about faith and choice and thoughts creating our realities and what we are in control of vs. not. Because... I do beleive there is a higher power playing a massive role in the trajectory of our lives, and... somehow I believe we can tap into that and create new realities (or negative outcomes) too. I do believe our mindset is powerful. And, and, and... like you say, letting GO of the outcome is also infinitely powerful as it is seemingly impossible to do (at least it's how it feels for me, most times). Thank you for writing this, the lesson of "letting go" has been popping up everywhere for me lately... It’s almost like I should learn something from it. If there was one thing I could snap my fingers and create, it would be the ability to let the fuck go, and be at peace. 🥲 Sigh. I shall practice letting go of not being able to let go lol

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Same, girl! I definitely believe we can tap into higher energy and create new realities. We have SO much power. I just think we need to use that power in the right way and learn to ride the waves of energy and know when to push and when to let go. I think the problem is pushing when it’s time to let go, and I think those are the moments we need to surrender. It’s those moments when we feel tense or attached in the wanting that we need to release. Lately I’ve had so much healing by sitting with that energy of tension and attachment and letting it speak to me instead of letting it drive me crazy, and that’s what I wanted to share in this article. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and thoughts! This is a newer of area of healing for me so it’s so nice to have this back and forth to explore these ideas!

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Jul 14Liked by Suzanne Heyn

"I think the problem is pushing when it’s time to let go, and I think those are the moments we need to surrender." <- YESSS! I need to keep practicing this. 🥲 I love this back and forth to explore, too. It's convos like this that percolate in my mind leading to deeper understanding of the divine, which I feel a little corny for saying (🤣) but it's true. I LOVE what you're saying about sitting it the tension and letting is speak to you... I've never thought of doing that before.

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Suzanne, so many deep insights that resonated. Really thrilled that we found each others work and look forward to learning more from you. We share many beliefs and it’s wonderful to connect with your experiences. ❤️

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deletedJul 13Liked by Suzanne Heyn
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Love hearing that! Thank you for reading ♥️😊

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