The journaling technique that changed my life
Do this if you truly want to realize your creative potential
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Journaling is so much more than organizing your thoughts or even processing painful emotions.
I’m not diminishing the power of those things — journaling has helped me process pain more than any therapist (sorry if it offends, but true! Take it up with the broken system).
But releasing the past and creating the future are two separate things.
Releasing the past returns you to neutral.
Becoming who you’re meant to be requires building a more empowered and expansive mindset than you’ve probably ever been exposed to before.
Think how different the construction blueprint of a 2-story home looks when compared to plans for the Empire State Building.
One is small and simple, and results in a small, simple home.
The other is big and bold, and results in a big, bold building that reaches for the sky.
Most people have mental blueprints that support average lives, working jobs they don’t like, making less money than they want, and stressing because they don’t know how to create change — if they’re honest with themselves. Most people aren’t.
But you, my beautiful friend, are clearly different.
You know that you’re capable of building a business around your creative self-expression. However, you still struggle against the same insecurities as everyone else.
There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not your fault.
Everyone who teaches us the ways of the world, from our parents to teachers and beyond, programs us with the only mindset they know — the mindset of an average person who doesn’t fully express their potential.
The key to creating the version of your life where you’re creatively fulfilled, financially abundant, and unapologetically self-expressed is to stop struggling against a blueprint that will never get you where you want to go.
Instead, you need to throw away the plans for a boring 2-story house and create your inner empire.
You do that through mindset work.
Mindset work is a journaling technique where you reprogram doubts, fears and limiting beliefs into more empowering thoughts that reflect your highest potential.
This morning for example, I did a bunch of mindset work around my YouTube channel, where I’m not experiencing the growth I want.
My first thought was: I’m not getting any views.
This is (kind of) an objective fact. My views are really low.
But what I noticed is the story developing around that thought, the meaning I assigned to it.
Stories like:
Nobody wants to listen to me.
I’m old and don’t like how I look.
I don’t have a good background.
I’m boring to listen to.
You can imagine that filming with these thoughts running in the back of my mind turns out a certain way —
A way that contributes to low views, slow growth, and not achieving my goals.
This then creates anxiety.
I could struggle against these stories, fight them, and in doing so, make them larger in my mind because what we resist, persists.
The worst part is, most people who encounter these thoughts end up quitting, never giving themselves a chance to realize their potential.
But through mindset work, you can:
Connect to the core fear, doubt or past pain underneath limiting thoughts
In the space created, identify new thoughts and beliefs reflecting your desires and potential.
This is the work I support my clients with every day so they can create fulfilling, flexible and financially abundant businesses that are extensions of their souls!
I’ve done A LOT of inner and mindset work over the years, so I didn’t have any emotional attachment to these thoughts about YouTube.
They just kind of existed, and I needed to identify and reprogram them.
I’m sure in the past there were experiences of feeling misunderstood or not listened to, things we all have to work through.
If you need to take time to feel and heal, definitely do that.
But if there isn’t an emotional attachment, you can simply change the thought.
The truth is:
I have important an important message to share that changes lives.
Beauty transcends age, and as my body continues to heal, I will feel more beautiful.
My message is fascinating because the people I’m here to serve long for meaningful, fulfilling work that allows them to create time and financial freedom. People hunger for this knowledge, and I am uniquely equipped to help them.
I haven’t experienced a breakthrough yet with YouTube, but I trust that shifting my mindset will shift my reality because it always does.
The same is true for you.
Your desires are guiding you to your destiny.
Everything you want is not only possible, it’s meant to be.
Your success is inevitable.
Any idea, feeling or thought that tells you otherwise is a flat out lie.
Your biggest job is building a mindset reflecting the truth, not the lies that make you feel bad.
When every action you take feels like pushing a boulder uphill, it’s not because the task is difficult, but because you’re lugging around beliefs that say you’re not good enough or don’t have what it takes to succeed.
What normal people don’t understand about limited mindsets.
1. Doubting your ability blocks your intuition — where the most important guidance you need to realize your wildest dreams lives.
When your head is full of worry, doubt, fear, comparison and other people’s voices, you crowd out the still, small voice within.
Instead of following your unique path to realize your unique destiny, you’re consumed by doubt and fear.
This blocks you from instantaneous intuitive flashes that lead to breakthroughs.
Doubt also stops you from producing your best work because it disconnects you from your boldest creative energy.
The right mindset guides you to the right strategy, ideas and opportunities.
And when you meet those things with the right mindset, THAT’s when magic happens.
2. The other thing that normal people don’t talk about (or understand) is that your thoughts literally create your reality.
I mean this in the most literal sense, and it sounds crazy but I’ve experienced this countless times.
The energy you pour into an action influences the outcome of that action.
And this is the magical part that’s 100% true but that some of you won’t believe:
You can change your mindset and change your results without changing anything you’re doing at all.
This isn’t about manifesting your way to millions without working. Or saying suffering people created their reality. That’s a whole different topic.
We can encourage personal responsibility while leaving room for nuance.
For example:
I neglected my mindset work basically all last year. It was a wild mistake.
But in the fall, I started a morning mindset practice.
Soon after, I went from barely any new people joining the Mindset Membership or inquiring about coaching to…
6 new members, 4 coaching inquiries and 2 new fabulous clients all in the space of a couple of weeks. After MONTHS of barely any movement.
I have countless stories like this.
Five-figure launches after a year of struggle.
Waking up to the exact number of signups to surpass my goal even when it looked like it wouldn’t work. (Because I went to bed believing. And trust me, I’ve also experienced the opposite.)
Finding the right routine to heal adrenal fatigue after years of searching.
I’ll say it a million times: Success is 80% mindset and energy.
Shift to self-belief every day, all day, until it becomes natural, and then do it some more.
Every time you dream a new dream, it activates new fears, doubts and limiting beliefs to unwind. That’s a good thing because it means you’re growing.
This is how achieving your goals isn’t just about the beautiful life you create, but also the empowered, confident woman you become.
The best part is, you don’t have to walk this journey it alone.
I’ve created the Mindset Membership to help you every step of the way.
The Mindset Membership is where ambitious creatives do the inner work (soul alignment, confidence and self-trust) so they can create fulfilling, flexible, and financially abundant business around their truest gifts.
Join us! You can cancel at any time. And I’m always available to guide you personally through the chat or comments.
Earlier we explored trusting yourself and developing an identity around that.
Last week, we talked about seeing failure differently, which is the shadow side of this week’s work.
Today you’ll create the mindset you need to feel certain your heart’s desire is meant to become real.
We’ll explore specific limited beliefs and how to release them from a somatic, emotional perspective, and a mental, thought one.